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It is not uncommon for L2 learners, after years of classroom language learning experiences, to struggle to produce appropriate speech and follow native speaker behavioral norms in different authentic situations. One of the reasons is that learners lack the knowledge of target language invisible culture (e.g., values, beliefs) and the training to perform appropriately. This project aims to compile materials that focus on teaching Chinese invisible culture and how to perform appropriately in authentic situations. The goal is threefold: 1) to cultivate students’ cross-cultural awareness and competence in general; 2) to help students understand and explain Chinese norms of behavior and value systems so they can make informed choices when interacting with the Chinese, including interactions in business contexts; and 3) to improve students’ sociopragmatic competence and language ability in Chinese to an advanced level.

This project includes eleven units that use Chinese cultural themes as the main thread. Each unit is divided into two parts. Part 1 covers what Chinese people do and part 2 talks about why. Each chapter includes components such as learning objectives, a pre-class native speaker interview, Chinese culture in pictures, main text/videos, culture reflected in language, and tasks/activities/assignments.

For more information about this book, please contact the developer at xli[at]

Sample Unit Downloads:

Unit 8 人际关系(part 1)Sample

Unit 8 人际关系(part 2)Sample


Xiaoshi Li